2 min read

I've talked about my issues with acne before on the blog and over the years I've tried many products in an attempt to control the problem. As a teen,even though that's when my acne was at its worst, I didn't see the point in investing much time or effort in solving the problem since I'd seen my older sister spend thousands on expensive medications with no results. I figured that the problem would clear up on it's own when I graduated high school since that's was around the same time my sister's cleared up.

Unfortunately for me, things didn't work out that way which forced me to take a different approach. On my college student income, all I could afford were drugstore products so I started using Clearasil, seduced by their frequent advertising. While I noticed a slight improvement, the products were too harsh for and left my skin dry. A few years later, I switched to Aveeno Clear Complexion products and thought I'd finally hit the jackpot. For the first time in years, my acne was under control even though I had the occasional flare up and I resigned myself to the fact that this was the best I could hope for.

Then I noticed that a friend with an even worse case of acne, had magically been cured. She told me that she had started having regular chemical peels and I immediately booked an appointment with her dermatologist hoping for the same results. Over the next couple of years, the peels worked wonders but when I moved from Las Vegas to Chicago, the Glytone brand I used at home and for the peels proved to be too harsh for the weather and my acne flared up again.

When I moved to Minneapolis one of the first things I did was find another aesthetician to help get the problem under control. The first peel I got worked wonders, my skin was no longer parched and I saw a noticeable improvement in my acne scarring after only one treatment. I knew then that I had found the holy grail and made the decision to invest in more of brand's products to use at home. 

I've been using SkinCeuticals as the foundation of my skin care regimen for almost four years now and my skin has never been better. I use their cleanser, toner, moisturizer, retinol and various serums for controlling my acne and hydrating my skin. While their products are not cheap (their Blemish + Age Defense is $88), in my opinion it is worth every penny. If you're at your're wits end on how to cure your adult acne, give SkinCeuticals a try.SkinCeuticals