1 min read

How could you not fall in love with a pair of pants named 'Falling Pansies'? While the print is a little bit more delicate than I would normally be attracted to, there was something about the contrast of the print against the background color that made these pants edgy enough for me. To kick things up a notch, I paired the pants with a abstract printed top and some black wedges/mirrored oxfords.  

J.Crew-Falling-Pansies-Pants-Silver-Oxfords-BCBG-Fedora-by-DalasiniJ.Crew-Falling-Pansies-Pants-BCBG-Printed-Top-by-DalasiniBCBG-Fedora-Hat-Printed-Top-Mirrored-Sunglasses-by-DalasiniBCBG-Fedora-Hat-Printed-Top-by-DalasiniBCBG-Mirrored-Sunglasses-Fedora Hat-Mirrored-Sunglasses-by-DalasiniBCBG-Black-Wedges-Fedora-Sunglasses-by-DalasiniBCBGHat, BCBGSunglasses, DalasiniLamu Earrings, BCBGTop, J.CrewPants, J.CrewOxfords, BCBGWedges, BCBG Rings